Monday 8 October 2012

Session with Dementia Group

I had a lovely session today with a local dementia group, comprising of members, carers and library staff. The meeting took the form of a short sensory workshop, using familiar objects to promote discussion. The result was a very enjoyable exploration of the senses (and even a burst of creative writing). I read a couple of poems and also a short story of my own.

We discussed the use of senses in literature and how it can help us appreciate the world around us and also remember past events. We then wrote a simple fill-in-the-blanks poem about Autumn. One lovely lady, delighted with her writing, commented: "I'm a poet and I didn't know it". How wonderful!

One of the poems went like this...


Looks like leaves falling off trees.

Sounds like orange and red leaves rustling under foot.

Smells like bonfires burning in the distance, smoke lingering.

Tastes like nuts, soup and toffee apples to enjoy.

Feels like cold nights and evenings approaching, Jack Frost round the corner.

1 comment:

  1. A dementia overview is important to those caregivers providing care to a loved one at home; as this condition can be very challenging.

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