Tuesday 19 March 2013

Nethermains Sheltered Housing.

I had a lovely, relaxed session with some of the residents of Nethermains Sheltered Housing Complex at Echt. There was lots of laughter, a few tears and a great 'fly cup'.

Some comments:

"You fairly spik my language." Geordie

"I enjoyed your time with us at Nethermains so much - stories and poetry to reach the heart." 

"Great to hear our own tongue spoken for a change. It's very seldom we hear the Doric nowadays." Rosie (manager)

                                                                 The 'Fly Cup'.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi Deborah Leslie,
    Sheltered Housing one of the best way to elderly care, very nice your services, i like this.
    Sheltered Housing in Essex
